
HVAC Maintenance Tips To Remember For This Spring

Spring symbolizes rebirth and renewal, a chance to turn over a new leaf, throw off the blanket of winter and invite the warmth and light of the new season into our homes. That’s why it’s called spring cleaning and not summer or fall cleaning. Whether you’re an avid spring cleaner or you’re anxious to get back into the world, spring is a great time to give your HVAC unit a little TLC to ensure it can continue running smoothly and efficiently.

Schedule AC service today with our HVAC technicians at Gordon’s Heating & Air and keep the air in your home fresh and clean!

Change The Air Filter

One of the best things for your HVAC system is to replace the filter every 2–3 months. However, out of sight, out of mind, most HVAC filters outstay their use and slow down the HVAC’s efficiency, essentially choking it, causing more dire issues, and impacting your home’s indoor air quality. If your home has one or two occupants, every three months should suffice, but the filter may need to be replaced as frequently as every month for homes with multiple people or pets. The best method is to visually inspect the air filter to see how clean it is.

Clear The Outdoor Unit

Not only is it important to keep the indoor HVAC components clean, but you should also take special care to keep the outdoor unit clean. Because it’s outside, the condenser unit is prone to clogs from dirt, leaves, lawn clippings, trash, twigs, and more. Left alone, this can cause a similar issue as not cleaning the indoor air filter, suffocating the unit, and reducing its effectiveness. As the world begins to bloom in spring, be sure to keep an eye on the cleanliness of your condenser unit.

Schedule Maintenance

Routine AC maintenance can’t be understated. Even just bi-annual HVAC maintenance can catch issues early, saving you money on repairs. It can also prevent your AC from breaking down as temperatures begin to climb, requiring emergency AC repairs. Fall and spring are the best times of the year to schedule HVAC maintenance before temperatures begin to hit their respective extremes. Contact Gordon’s Heating & Air today to schedule your maintenance!

Consider Upgrading

Spring is the best time of the year to replace your AC because temperatures are still mild and haven’t peaked to the scorchers of summer. If your HVAC unit is older than ten years and the price of AC repairs is becoming too costly, it may be time to consider a new AC installation. Our HVAC technicians can guide you through the process and demystify lingoes such as SEER ratings and compressors. With a new AC, you’ll have the peace of mind that only true dependability can give. We also offer financing options to help make buying a new AC more realistic.

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